Teach To One Roadmaps - Math Skills
5th Grade
Target the precise skills and concepts each student needs.

We’ve developed a system of organizing the 300 skills a student must learn cumulatively in order to be Algebra-ready. The skills and concepts covered in Teach to One Roadmaps allow students to gain unlearned, prerequisite skills while still advancing at grade level.
Browse the skills and concepts covered in each grade level below.
Grade 5
Multiplying and Dividing Large Numbers
- I will fluently multiply multi-digit whole numbers using the standard algorithm.
- I will divide large whole numbers by whole numbers with two or more digits and explain remainders within context.
Understanding Volume
- I will understand volume and measure it using unit cubes.
- I will develop and use a formula for finding the volume of rectangular prisms.
- I will solve real world and mathematical problems involving additive volume and right rectangular prisms.
Numerical Expressions
- I will use the order of operations, including parentheses, to evaluate numerical expressions involving whole numbers.
- I will write expressions to record operations with numbers, and interpret numerical expressions without evaluating them.
Adding & Subtracting Unlike Fractions
- I will add and subtract fractions with unlike denominators.
- I will add and subtract mixed numbers with unlike denominators.
- I will solve problems by adding and subtracting fractions and mixed numbers with unlike denominators.
Data Displays
- I will make line plots to display a data set measured in fractions and use operations with fractions to solve problems involving the data set.
Dividing Fractions
- I will interpret fractions as division of the numerator by the denominator and solve whole number division problems leading to answers in the form of fractions or mixed numbers.
- I will divide whole numbers by unit fractions in real world and mathematical problems.
- I will divide unit fractions by whole numbers in real world and mathematical problems.
- I will solve word problems involving division between unit fractions and whole numbers.
Fraction Equivalence
- I will simplify fractions to lowest terms.
Multiplying Fractions
- I will multiply whole numbers by fractions.
- I will find the area of a rectangle with fractional side lengths.
- I will develop and use an algorithm for multiplying fractions.
- I will multiply mixed numbers.
- I will interpret multiplication as scaling.
Coordinate Plane
- I will use a pair of perpendicular lines, called axes, to define a coordinate system and locate points using coordinates.
- I will solve real-world problems by plotting and interpreting points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.
- I will generate two numerical patterns using two given rules, graph ordered pairs of corresponding terms on a coordinate plane, and identify apparent relationships between corresponding terms.
Decimal Operations
- I will add and subtract decimals using a variety of strategies.
- I will multiply a decimal by a whole number using a variety of strategies.
- I will multiply a decimal by a decimal using a variety of strategies.
- I will divide a decimal by a whole number using a variety of strategies.
- I will divide a decimal by a decimal using multiple strategies.
Decimal Place Value
- I will understand the value of a single digit in a multi-digit number and explain the relationship between the digits.
- I will read and write decimal numbers using base ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
- I will compare and order decimals using the math symbols <, >, and =.
- I will use rounding rules to round numbers to the ones place and decimal place values.
Classifying Shapes
- I will classify and draw triangles by their angles and sides.
- I will classify and draw quadrilaterals by their angles and sides.
Powers of 10
- I will explain patterns in the number of zeros in the products when multiplying whole numbers by 10; 100; and 1,000.
- I will explain patterns about multiplying or dividing decimal numbers by powers of ten.
Unit Conversions
- I will identify and convert among customary units of length, capacity, and mass/weight.
- I will identify and convert among metric units of length, capacity, and mass/weight.
- I will solve real world and mathematical problems involving operations with decimal numbers that require unit conversions.
Grade 4
Decimal Place Value
- I will compare decimals using models.
Addition & Subtraction
- I will add large whole numbers.
- I will subtract large whole numbers.
Basic Multiplication
- I will identify and use the distributive property of multiplication over addition, relating it to area models.
- I will identify and use the distributive property of multiplication over addition, relating it to area models.
- I will make sense of multiplicative comparisons.
Multiplication and Division Fundamentals
- I will multiply 2-digit by 2-digit numbers using area models to represent partial products.
- I will multiply large whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers using area models to represent partial products.
- I will divide large whole numbers by one-digit whole numbers and explain remainders within context.
Understanding Area
- I will recognize area as additive and find the area of polygons composed of rectangles.
Whole Numbers
- I will read and write whole numbers up to millions using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
- I will round whole numbers to the nearest ten, hundred, or thousand.
- I will compare whole numbers up to millions.
Basic Algebraic Thinking
- I will solve word problems involving operations with whole numbers.
- I will generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and identify features of the pattern.
- I will define, identify, and use the commutative and associative properties of addition and multiplication.
- I will identify all the factors of a given whole number and identify prime and composite numbers.
Comparing Fractions
- I will compare and order fractions using the math symbols <, >, and =.
Decomposing Fractions
- I will add and subtract fractions with like denominators.
- I will understand a fraction as a multiple of a unit fraction.
- I will recognize and generate equivalent products of fractions and whole numbers.
- I will decompose a fraction or mixed number into a sum of fractions with the same denominator in more than one way, recording each decomposition by an equation.
- I will add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators.
Fraction Equivalence
- I will use fraction equivalence to add fractions with denominators of 10 and 100.
- I will understand decimals are part of a whole and express decimals as fractions to tenths or hundredths.
- I will create equivalent fractions and explain fraction equivalence.
Representing Fractions
- I will add and subtract fractions with like denominators using models.
Geometry Fundamentals
- I will identify and classify lines, line segments, rays, and angles.
- I will identify and draw intersecting, perpendicular, and parallel lines.
- I will draw and measure angles and classify angles as acute, obtuse, right, and straight.
Grade 3
Addition & Subtraction
- I will add numbers within 1000 using a variety of strategies.
- I will subtract numbers within 1000 using a variety of strategies.
Basic Multiplication
- I will multiply one-digit whole numbers by multiples of 10.
- I will calculate and list multiples of whole numbers.
Multiplication and Division Fundamentals
- I will understand multiplication and know multiplication facts up to 10 times 10.
- I will interpret division as equal shares and know division facts with one-digit numbers.
- I will determine an unknown whole number in a multiplication or division equation.
Understanding Area
- I will calculate the perimeter of regular or irregular polygons and solve problems involving perimeter.
- I will understand the concept of area and find area of figures by counting square units.
- I will develop and use a formula for finding the area of rectangles.
Basic Algebraic Thinking
- I will solve two-step word problems using all four operations.
Comparing Fractions
- I will compare fractions with the same numerator or denominator.
Fraction Equivalence
- I will recognize and generate equivalent fractions using visual models.
- I will recognize and generate fractions and whole numbers that are equivalent.
Representing Fractions
- I will describe fractions using numbers, words, and pictures.
- I will represent fractions on a number line.
Grade 2
Data Displays
- I will read and interpret different types of graphs.
Addition & Subtraction
- I will find sums and differences within 100 and represent them on the number line.
Whole Numbers
- I will read and write numbers to 1,000 using base-ten numerals, number names, and expanded form.
Representing Fractions
- I will partition shapes and describe the shares using halves, thirds, and fourths.