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“Solving the Bermuda Triangle of Math Acceleration” interactive workshop

February 16, 2022 Teach to One

It’s time to redefine what’s possible in math education by setting aside the notion that all students need to learn the same thing simultaneously.

What happens in a system bound by the cumulative nature of math, significant gaps in unfinished learning & a 100-year-old age-graded paradigm? We find ourselves “Solving The Bermuda Triangle of Math Acceleration.”

On Wednesday, February 16, teachers, math coaches, and district administrators met in an interactive workshop hosted by Teach to One’s Joel Rose. We discovered new ways to meet students where they are and provide them with an accelerated path to proficiency.

Watch now, or read the transcript below.


Joel Rose: Welcome everyone. My name is Joel Rose. I’m the CEO and co-founder of a nonprofit organization called New Classrooms Innovation Partners. We’re here to talk to you a little bit about math acceleration and solving what we call the Bermuda Triangle of Math Acceleration.

To get things going, we just want to talk a little bit about what we are seeing and hearing from many of our partner schools across the country. On one hand, we have a number of students who are coming into school, flustered about math. They’ve fallen behind, for whatever reason, and they need some extra help. Teachers who know the students are struggling are trying to help students out individually, but because they could have, certainly at the middle school level, 100 students or so, each with their own strengths and needs, it’s extremely difficult for a teacher to actually solve this challenge.

And the reality is, no matter how well-meaning or hardworking a teacher is, the way that we teach math means that any teacher, like Mr. Seymour, just can’t deliver on personalized learning for each and every student. He doesn’t have, oftentimes, enough time or enough resources to do that.

So we think at the root of this is what we would call the Bermuda Triangle Of Math Acceleration, and to sort of bring to light what we mean by that, we wanted to start off with a little interactive activity. Here’s how the activity’s going to work. We’re going to, in a moment, switch over to a Miro board. You should see the link in the chat. On the Miro board, we’re going to ask you to fill out these little digital sticky notes that involve one question, which is, “what do you think keeps schools from ensuring that 80% or more of students graduate college-and-career-ready in math?”

And when you think about whatever those barriers are, we’re going to ask you to have them either put into the column of things that educators can control or the things that educators can’t control. So I’m going to flip over to my Miro board and we’re going to spend three minutes there. Feel free to take one of those sticky notes and go ahead and start filling them out.

Joel Rose (Looking at the responses on the Miro board):

Beliefs about students. One of my favorite ones.

Content. Tracking of math classes and moving them along. Absolutely.

And how much sleep and rest that students get. Probably the same is true for teachers.

Home life. Previous experiences that students had.

SAT. How do I deliver the content, absolutely.

Time on task.

How content is presented. The way you deliver lessons, expectations of your classroom, huge.

Student motivations, relatability. These are great.

Emotional state, family pressures.

Understanding the academic deficiencies of my students.

Master scheduling a big, big one. Pandemic, absolutely.

Length of instructional time. Time in the day. Isn’t that for sure.

Questioning, how we question students. Societal views.

Previous years’ instruction. Home perceptions of content.

What students do outside of class.

One size fits all approach to instruction. Absolutely.

Timely feedback. Priorities, absences, home life, district requirements, emotional state.

Types of assessments, absolutely. Safe environment.

Background knowledge. Priority set by the district, absolutely. Reluctant to make change.

Mental state of students. Fostering a culture of learning. These are great.

And I’m gathering from this that many of you all experience the same things and the same challenges. I’ve had to both address student needs when you’re only one person as a teacher.

Priorities around grade level. Proficiency. Absolutely. We’re going to come to that one as well.

Great. I think they’re starting to peter off a little bit. So this was exactly the foundation that we were hoping to kind of set up the next part of the conversation, and then we’re going to move to a second activity like this in a little bit, but first to sort of go back to our presentation here.

Joel Rose (returning to presentation): One of the things that came up a lot I saw in some of the comments were a reflection of this. Students are arriving into middle school with unfinished learning from prior years. That is an unequivocal fact. It was, in truth, a fact before the pandemic, that one of the corners of this triangle is around unfinished learning. Prior to the pandemic, there was a study that came out that showed, in the average fifth grade classroom, for example, there were seven different instructional levels represented, and I think I saw an article that said that seven may now actually be nine.

I’m a former fifth grade teacher. I had students in my class on a second grade level and students on an eighth grade level and everything in between. This was a problem before, but it has only gotten worse.

The second, which also came through in some of the stickies, was that math is cumulative. The concepts that a student masters in one year is foundational to mastering more advanced concepts. This is something you all know as math teachers, it seems obvious, but the fact is that math is cumulative. And to sort of lay that out, we took the state standards and we mapped out, we’ve done this and refined this over the last decade, how those concepts and skills relate to one another.

To give you a sense for how this chart works, if the student’s in the fourth grade, there are 42 fourth grade skills. And when I say the word “skill,” I mean the procedural, the conceptual and the applied dimensions. Think of it like a chapter in a textbook. 42 skills a student must learn to master all of fourth grade. But there are 22 predecessor skills, meaning a skill that a student should have learned prior to fourth grade that they may not have learned, but they need to know in order to do well with fourth grade content.

So for example, you really need to know how to add before you learn how to multiply. And cumulatively there are 64 skills. And then when a student gets to the fifth grade, there are 40 new skills they need to learn. Those build on top, not from all 42 fourth grade concepts, but from 30 out of the 42 fourth grade concepts and 19 pre-fourth grade concepts, which makes for 89 skills. And this is how math cascades over time.

We know, for example, we want to make sure students are through algebra and there are 52 algebra skills, but those require a whole set of predecessor skills that students should have learned in eighth grade, seventh grade, sixth grade, all the way back to the second grade, and many of students have, but for many of them, they haven’t.

Now, historically schools focus on what we would call the top of the column, meaning if you’re the fourth grade teacher, you have a set of fourth grade textbooks. It’s going to focus on the 42 fourth grade skills. Same with fifth, same with sixth and so on and so forth. That basic paradigm makes it extremely difficult for a teacher to actually have the tools or the resources to go back and understand the relevant predecessor skills that each student needs to know in order to succeed with that grade level content. And so, because math is cumulative, it creates a unique challenge. The grain size of the skills is different than what it is in other content areas.

Because we have this way of doing school that’s focused on grade level (I know someone brought that up in one of the things that we can’t control) that leads to an effect that we wrote a whole paper about called the Iceberg Problem. If you want to read it, you can go to icebergproblem.org. And here’s the basic theory.

A student walks into the sixth grade. There’ll be some skills that they learn. Maybe they score a two on the test, but there’s going to be a set of skills that they didn’t learn for whatever reason. When that student gets to the seventh grade, the same thing will happen. There’ll be some skills that they learn, but a number that they don’t learn and what they didn’t learn is now going to accumulate on top of what they didn’t learn in the sixth grade. And then the same thing happens in the eighth grade.

So while the school may see, wow, the student went from a two to a one, that alone is really masking all of the unfinished learning that’s really accumulated over time, making it harder and harder for this student to ever truly catch up, certainly not in a single school year. We call this phenomenon the Iceberg Problem, because most administrators are really focused just on that state test score. Was it a one, or was it a two, or was it three?

But what you can’t see from that score is all of the unfinished learning that’s accumulating below the surface. So that is the second part of the triangle.

The third one, we don’t really talk about very much, but we think it’s actually perhaps the most important, and that’s that we are living in a century-old, age-graded paradigm. That age graded paradigm, where all fourth graders learn the fourth grade material and all fifth graders learn the fifth grade material, has been just the way school is for all of our lifetimes, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be that way.

When we think about the fact that these three things are coming together, unfinished learning, the cumulative nature of math, and the age-graded paradigm, we could probably manage any two of these three things, but managing three is almost impossible.

So for example, if we thought about a situation where there was unfinished learning in an age-graded paradigm, that might not be as difficult if it was not a cumulative subject. So for example, last year, students who may have missed out on biology, they may be doing okay in chemistry because the relationships between those two subjects are not necessarily as strong as they might be with, say, for example, sixth grade math to seventh grade math.

If we thought about this as the fact that, if there was a cumulative subject and an age-graded paradigm, that would work fine so long as there wasn’t any unfinished learning. And we know there’s been this sort of K-shaped recovery when we think about the pandemic. A lot of students have actually did fine with remote learning, they never fell behind, they’re right where they’re supposed to be, and that actually works fine for them. But if there is unfinished learning, that creates a new challenge.

And then we can also imagine a situation where, if there’s unfinished learning and there’s a subject that’s cumulative, that might be okay, as long as we weren’t in an age-graded paradigm. So if, for example, we thought about something like swimming or karate, if your child actually had to stop their classes before the pandemic, they could generally pick up where they left off because there’s not necessarily content that’s tied to their age.

But because we have all three of these things, this is what makes it so hard. And the one that we think is worth questioning the most is the age-graded paradigm, asking whether it has to be that way. And we say that because we’re not going to be able to change the fact that there’s unfinished learning. That’s not something that we can control right now. We really can’t control the fact that math is cumulative. That’s just the nature of math.

So the only real lever we have to truly solve this problem and not set up teachers for failure is to think differently about the age-graded paradigm.

So now we’re going to launch into our next Miro board activity to really kind of tease out what that might look like. So in this one, what we’re going to ask you to do is imagine if you only had one student to worry about, and that student arrived two years behind grade level. In an ideal world, what would you do? How would you think about the program that you would provide just for that one student? Same activity, same boards. We’ll give you about three minutes and then we’ll talk about it.

Joel Rose (Looking at the responses on the Miro boards):

Beginning of your assessment, start at the lowest skill level, absolutely.

Start where they are at. Let’s work at their pace.

Fill in the gaps. Determine the prerequisites.

Work on numeracy, above all.

Determine the prerequisites that are connected to what they’re doing in their core class.

Cover current content with deficit skill building in centers or site activities that fill in the gaps.

Oh, I love this one. Have it be student thinking, not teacher thinking.

Provide tailored instruction based on their needs.

Individualized program. Pre-assess skills, prioritize instruction based on need, assess consistently and adapt plan, flexible grouping.

These are great.

Okay. Any more? When we do these activities, you always know when you’re in a room with math teachers, because oftentimes what they put on the sticky notes is what they want to do, but it’s incredibly hard for them to actually operationalize it, given what a district may expect, or just given the nature of the age-graded paradigm. And so oftentimes teachers, especially math teachers, feel really caught between what they know is best for their students and what they have the resources and training and, frankly, policy expectations to actually do.

Standards based instruction. Absolutely. Okay.

Joel Rose (returning to the presentation): So we’re going to come back now. When we think about all the things we would do for one student, our goal as an organization is to help teachers to actually do that by really sort of challenging the age-graded paradigm and making this more feasible for them.

And to give you a sense for how we might think about it, it’s an approach that we would call tailored acceleration. I think it came up, actually, in one of the stickies. It is about truly understanding where each student is and giving each student their own path to get to proficiency. So we think about there’s this standard instructional path where you learn a bunch of fifth grade material in fifth grade and sixth grade material in sixth grade, and that may work fine for some students, but for other students who’ve fallen behind for whatever reason, they need their own path that bridges them from where they’re starting from to where they need to be.

And in some cases that can be done in a year, in some cases, two. In some cases, it may take three, depending on what grade they’re in and how far behind they are. But every student really needs to access this type of personalized curriculum that would work best for them. So how exactly does that happen?

Well, to help teachers do that, we’ve created a tool that we call Teach to One Roadmaps Plus, and I’m going to walk you through exactly how it works and then walk you through both what’s available for free, and then what’s available for $15 for any kid.

So what Teach to One Roadmaps Plus does, it’s a supplemental digital math resource. There are some schools that use this as their core instruction, more likely the supplemental, some use it for homework or as an aid to support with tutoring.

It has three core features, one a very high level of precision and clarity on what students need to master to get to proficiency. The second is a significant amount of agency and choice. I love that comment about student thinking more than teacher thinking. We tried to incorporate that deeply into the design. And then real time adaptivity, so students learn new skills. Whether it’s at school or at home, the system will continually adapt. And I’ll show you how each of those work.

The first is precision. So I showed you before that chart of the different skills. What happens at the beginning of the year, the students take a diagnostic assessment that only focuses on a column. It could be the algebra column. It could be the seventh grade column. Actually students get algebra plus one other grade. And because it only focuses on those very narrow set of skills, what comes out of that is a level of precision where the student, the teacher, the parent know exactly what skills each student needs to master to get to proficiency, both pre-grade, on grade, and post grade.

So in this case, of the 146 skills in the column, the student placed out of 15, that left 131 for them to learn, and the student can go on and work on completing those, and I’ll show how that works in a moment. But the level of precision, knowing exactly what a student needs to master, is unique. It’s not just necessarily giving a score or a number, it’s actually providing the very specific set of skills a student needs to master.

The second thing that it does is, it provides this high level of agency. If I’m the student, I’m looking at my roadmap, I can pick what skill I want to focus on. If I want to focus on ordering numbers or subtracting integers, I can. Now we are going to try to guide the student to make good choices with these little thumbs-ups.

This basically says, based on your diagnostic, we think that you have the predecessor knowledge to learn two digit whole numbers. You can take our advice, you cannot take our advice, you can focus on adding opposites, but over time we find that we earn more of the students’ trust when we can kind of show them, in fact, the ones that we recommended for them are the ones that they’re best positioned to succeed at. But sometimes they may try something more advanced and that’s fine as well.

We also are giving students agency in terms of how they learn the lesson. So if I’m going to learn about greatest common factor, what Teach to One Roadmaps Plus has done is, it’s aggregated content from a variety of providers, in this case School Yourself, IXL, Sheppard Software, there’s a game from NCTM, and the student has agency on how they want to learn this particular skill. Some love Khan Academy, some aren’t as crazy about it. Some love GeoAlgebra, some aren’t as crazy about it. Some want to try something new.

So the student has agency in how they learn a particular skill that’s on their roadmap.

And then, the student decides when they want to take a short form formative assessment. So if the student says, “Okay, I’ve gotten the lesson, I’m ready to take the assessment,” they take a five question assessment. If they score an 80%, they can go on to the next skill on their roadmap. If not, they can watch a different video, take the test again. They can take it as many times as they want. The items change, so it doesn’t really matter how often they take it.

The goal is to master the concept as quickly as they can. Those items in those assessments, though, are patterned after the released items on assessments like Park and Smarter Balanced. They’re pretty rigorous. But the student has full control in terms of demonstrating when they’ve actually mastered the particular skill.

The other important thing to understand is there’s real time adaptivity. So let’s say the student wants to work on one digit multiplication and that’s the next sort of thumbs-up, but in her regular class, they focused on two digit multiplication. And actually, she really understood it. She can go back home or in her supplemental class, take the assessment on two digit multiplication, and not only will she get credit if she gets 80% or better, but she’ll then also get the credit for any of the predecessor skills, which include one digit multiplication.

So this allows a student to actually apply what they’ve learned in their core classroom and effectively knock off some of the skills on their roadmap based on learning those skills and their predecessors. And all of that happens in real time.

There’s also ample reporting for teachers, so they can see for each student how many skills are remaining on their roadmap, what are they working on, is it algebra, is it seventh grade. They can access extensive information, how each student is progressing. And they can see, on a class view, how many skills each student has remaining, how many have they completed, which have they play out of, and they can use this information so that when students are working, they can actually circulate around and help students who may be struggling for one reason or another. They can sort of see that and help them get unstuck, if they’re stuck.

Roadmaps Plus is generally used for school-based instruction. We know there are a number of schools now that are having staffing issues. And sometimes there are administrators that are covering classrooms that may not be certified in math. This has been a real helpful solution for them because those instructors, those educators can really sort of circulate around and more provide individual support for students. It can be used for at-home learning.

So some schools have said, “We’re going to focus our core curriculum on grade level material, but we’re going to have students work on their personalized roadmaps 30 minutes a night for homework.” And then some schools and outside agencies are working on tutoring and they can certainly use Roadmaps as a tutoring tool. It’s what I use with my own daughter to help her learn algebra.

I mentioned there’s two versions of this, so you’re welcome to give either a try. There is a free version for schools where students can take the assessment, get the information from the assessment, see exactly what will be on each student’s roadmap and provide an overview of each skill. And some schools are doing that, and they’re just taking that assessment three times a year, so they can actually see individualized student growth.

And then some use Roadmaps Plus, which is the service for $15, where that’s where all the content is aggregated and where students are able to take those assessments to sort of gauge their progress along the way. There are also a set of planning tools to help teachers group kids who may have a common need and a set of resources for families to support acceleration.

Our experience has been that when schools can access tools like Roadmaps, this does really sort of address this challenge of a teacher wanting to help individual students, but not having the information or the time or the resources to do that. That’s what this was designed for and built. That’s what we spent the last 10 years trying to figure out how to solve. It really does require questioning the age-graded paradigm and acknowledging it doesn’t really have to be this way. There is not a commandment that has said that all seventh graders must learn only seventh grade material.

There are ways now to really begin to challenge the age-graded paradigm and put each student on their own path to success.

So that’s Roadmaps Plus, and I am happy to take any questions you all have. You can feel free to put it in the chat, or if you need more information, obviously you can go to our website and we can provide whatever information would be most helpful to you. But this can be questions about the product itself or just the philosophy of tailored acceleration.

So, one question I see from Casey is the cost, $15 per student. Yes, that’s what the price is for any school. There’s also a home-facing version that’s $10 per month. And yes, it is $15 per student for the entire school year. There are a number of schools that have actually piloted this this year, even with a small number of students, to get a sense for whether it would be a helpful solution for them for next year.

Yeah, you can put questions in the chat. There’s also a Q and A. We’re happy to take them there, as well. There’s currently about 15,000 students using Roadmaps today. The free version, you just go on the website and you can see to sign up for the free version. You can click on the link and I’ll sort of guide you through the steps required to get you going. And then for schools that then want to move to the Plus version, our team can also help if there are any issues around rostering. Rostering can happen through Clever or Google Classroom.

Are there any lessons with the free version? The answer is no. There are skill overviews. So for each one of the skills on the Roadmap, you will see exactly what vocabulary is required to match that skill and you’ll see sample assessment items, but for the actual lessons that tie to the Roadmap, that’s that’s, what’s in the plus version.

Immanuel Smith: Hey, Joel, I actually have some more questions for you, if you don’t mind me asking them.

Joel Rose: Oh, great. Please.

Immanuel Smith: One question I got is, what are your thoughts on how to keep students engaged and motivated when they’re working by themselves?

Joel Rose: Yes. Great question. So we’ve learned a few things about this. One is that student engagement in math has been really hurt by the age-graded paradigm. There are a number of students who walk into seventh grade on a fourth or fifth grade level and they’re being asked to work independently on seventh grade material, and that can feel so deflating before it begins that they really lose their motivation. So what we find is just being able to actually meet students where they are and give them the opportunity to be successful is halfway there towards providing students with the motivation. Now, that’s not in all cases for every student, but it does go a long way, because students want to be successful and this enables them to be successful.

Joel Rose: We’ve also built in some tools within the product. One of them is a concept we call playlist. So for a student, they can see, “Wow, 97 skills. I’m never going to get through this.” We’ve organized student skills into playlists where we group a set of related skills. And the teacher may say, “We want you to work on your playlist number one,” or playlist number two, whatever the case may be. And then celebrate when students finishes their playlist.

They don’t necessarily feel like this is such a tall mountain that we need to climb. And then in some cases, students find that they can also, if they’re on a skill that another student’s already mastered, they can sometimes get peer tutoring from one of their peers that’s already learned a particular skill. That can be motivating both to the tutor and the tutee.

Immanuel Smith: Perfect. Another question I got was, can you tell us more about your content providers?

Joel Rose: Sure. We have a number of content providers. We spent the last several years curating content from a variety of providers. We’ve looked at over 80,000 lessons and selected the 15,000 we think are the best ones, and then from there we selected the ones that we thought would be the best fits for Roadmaps. That includes IXL, Khan academy, GeoAlgebra, School Nerd (I think that’s the name of it). And I think, on the website, there may be sort of a list of the other providers that are part of the program. A school does not need to buy a license to that content. That is all included in the license fees to us. We use a big chunk of those dollars to go back and pay the providers.

Immanuel Smith: Perfect. And then the last question I got here on my side is, what would be my ongoing role with Roadmaps? How many hours per day should I expect to get this running smoothly for my student?

Joel Rose: Yep. We’ve found this is really intuitive for kids. The diagnostic assessment can be done in… It’s usually done over three class periods, each one of 30 minutes, if you have longer, it’ll take less, but it’s between an hour and an hour and a half to take the diagnostic. Once they take the diagnostic, there’s a series of tutorials so that the teacher understands how it works. Again, it’s incredibly intuitive.

We find, usually after a couple of weeks kind of, students get the hang of it and they’re off to the races. So I would sort of assume, I’d budget the time for the assessment, as well as just know the first week or two when they’re getting, “What do I click here? And how does this work?” there’ll be a little bit of that. But after a couple weeks, they should be in pretty good shape.

Joel Rose: We’ve had schools that dedicate a class period to this, some that dedicate half a class period to this. It depends on what is your current block for mathematics and how much time you want to dedicate to grade-level instruction and how much time you want to dedicate to sort of addressing pre-grad gaps.

Joel Rose: One last thing to mention on this is, at the beginning of the call, I shared that Roadmaps, in the diagnostic you’re going to get each student’s personalized path for one grade level plus algebra. What is their path to get to algebra proficiency? And you may ask, well, why does a seventh grader need to know about algebra or a sixth grader need to know about algebra? All I care about is the grade level. And that’s a choice that many schools make, I want to focus on the grade level.

Joel Rose: But what some schools are recognizing is, based on the amount of time they have, if the student is coming into, let’s say, seventh grade, and they are four years behind and the school says, “It’s probably unlikely that we’re going to be able to make up all of that ground in one single school year,” what they choose to do is instead focus on the algebra column and have the students spend two years focusing on the algebra column, as opposed to one year focusing on the seventh grade column.

This is sort of a multi-year learning progression. And for some students and some circumstances, that is a better option than just going for grade level each year.

Immanuel Smith: The question keep on coming in. Another question I got is, are schools using this as a response to intervention?

Joel Rose: Yes. Schools use it as a response to intervention. Schools use it as a supplement. Different districts and different states have different definitions of what those things are and how they apply. But in general, what the product is designed to be is a response to intervention, meaning we’re taking the diagnostic, we’re figuring out what each student’s personalized pathway is, and then giving them content that aligns to that pathway.

Immanuel Smith: Okay. Another one is, does this allow for students to do the majority of thinking exploration or is it designed as the lesson is delivered and the student fills in the blanks or arbitrary items to complete the lesson?

Joel Rose: The lessons that we’ve chosen are intended to have a mix of both conceptual and procedural understanding. It is harder to do an applied lesson with a pure digital product. So some schools use part of the time for more applied learning, and then they use Roadmaps for more of the procedural and the conceptual learning. In terms of thinking and exploration, the lessons are designed for that. It is not all procedural. It is not just fill in the blanks. We’ve tried to pick content that enables students to really kind of dig into the concepts, and we’ve tried to make sure that the assessment items on those formative assessments truly reflect the rigor of deep conceptual understanding.

Immanuel Smith: Another question I got is actually basically piggybacking off lessons is, did your team develop the lessons or does it link to the other programs you have mentioned?

Joel Rose: For Roadmaps, it’s both. The digital lessons are ones that we’ve mentioned, but some of the other resources, the instructor resources, some of the collaborative activities that we’ve included, are lessons that our team has developed specifically for Roadmaps.

Immanuel Smith: Another question we got here is, when you say grade level, what curriculum are you referring to?

Joel Rose: Sure. Many schools have purchased curriculum like Eureka Math or Illustrative Math. There’s some really strong grade level curriculum where all of the lessons match the standards for the student’s enrolled grade. So if the student’s in fifth grade, you buy Eureka Math for fifth grade, the student’s and the teacher’s going to sort of go through that fifth grade Eureka Math curriculum, for example. In that case, they’ll continue to do that and then they’ll use Roadmaps as a fifth grade supplement to address the pre-grad gaps.

Immanuel Smith: Another the question we got is, do any schools use your program as their sole math instruction?

Joel Rose: I’m sure there are. It’s certainly not what we would prefer. We think that this is part of a holistic math experience. It is not the beginning, middle and end of what a student should experience when they learn math, but it’s a component of it. Although, sadly, there are a number of schools that are experiencing severe staffing shortages, and I’m sure, in many cases, are using Roadmaps as the students’ sole math instructional experience. That’s not its intent.

Immaneul Smith: Another question we have, this item, could we test it out if we have one class for the remainder of the school year, at a prorated cost?

Joel Rose: Yeah, unfortunately not, because I mentioned we license all the content from the provider, so every time we create a license, we have to pay for a full year, but usually for $15, a lot of schools, and if it’s just one class, they find that it is something that they can afford and would like to try. But they can also at least try the assessment, which is free, to get a sense for the precision. And they can certainly give the assessment now, and then they can give the assessment again at the end of the year, but we’re unfortunately unable to do any sort of prorated cost.

Immanuel Smith: And the last question I have for you, is this program suitable for homeschooling?

Joel Rose: So we have on the website, it is in alpha, a version of it for families at home. I’ve used it, again, with my own daughter. It worked really well. It doesn’t have a number of the features that many other home products do. So for example, if you’re a parent and you have two kids, we don’t yet have the ability to sort of sign up for two kids who are all in the same family. We’re building that now. That all should be ready sometime next school year. But if you have one student and you want to try this out at home, by all means it’s all available and accessible. The Home version is… I think it’s 9.95 per month.

Immanuel Smith: It looks like we’re done with questions. If anyone has any more, just make sure to shoot them in the chat real quick. And if you don’t, make sure to scan the QR code and schedule a call with our partnerships team and they’ll be delighted to answer your questions and how we can actually set up further and get this moving along with Teach to One. I want to thank Joel for taking his time out of his day to actually present this. I want to thank you guys for actually taking time out of your day and actually want to learn more about Teach to One Roadmaps. Hopefully we’ll be talking to you again soon.

Joel Rose: Thanks everybody.

Immanuel Smith: Thanks everybody!