Teach to One helping students catch up on math skills
May 01, 2020
By Odessa American

By: Ruth Campbell
Helping middle school students catch up with skills they didn’t get in elementary school is something teachers always knew they needed to do, but they never had the tools or resources. Now Wilson & Young Medal of Honor Middle School math department head Cinda Brown says that mechanism has arrived. It’s Teach to One and it started at Bowie, Bonham and Wilson & Young this fall. Brown, who is the math director under Teach to One, said at the beginning of the year, students take a test and based on that, the computer program puts them at the level they need to be so they can be successful later on. At her middle school, Brown said it was used for about 420 sixth-graders. The program is designed to catch students up on skills they never mastered in elementary school. “It’s totally individualized. The program allows them to go down three grade levels. For example, we had students. The whole district did that. (They) never learned how to really divide from third grade. It was just a skill they never understood how to do and they never mastered it and so this program backs them down and it reinforces that skill,” Brown said.
Brown said it’s something teachers have always known they needed to do, but they never had the tools or resources. With Teach to One, there are two different rounds. Students may go to one round where the teacher is teaching a live lesson. Then they may go to their second round and it’s virtual instruction on the computer.