Teach to One 360
A holistic, personalized learning model
Teach to One 360 provides teachers with the ability to tailor classroom instruction to each student’s unique strengths and needs—every day.
Spots available for Fall 2024.
A Teach to One Solution while you wait for 360
For Schools
Access instructional tools and curated content aligned to each student’s individualized roadmap.
Enable students to achieve math proficiency faster.
Accelerate learning at home or at school.
$15 per student, per year
Access instructional tools and curated content aligned to each student’s individualized roadmap.
Enable students to achieve math proficiency faster.
Accelerate learning at home or at school.
A holistic, personalized learning model
Teach to One 360 provides teachers with the ability to tailor learning to each student’s unique strengths and needs—every day.
Schedule a call with our Partnerships team for a consultation.
360 in Action
Teach to One provides every student with a path to algebra readiness, tailored to their needs.
360 Impact
Teach to One is redefining what’s possible in math education by closing learning gaps with tailored acceleration.
The program Bill Gates calls “The Future of Math”
More than a set of tools
Teach to One 360 is a school-based learning model and math curriculum: it combines an academic design that articulates what students learn with a set of operating structures that shape where, when, and how they learn. These structures affect what the teacher does, what the student does, and the organization of the classroom.
A proven approach
Students in 14 schools that operated the program for three years saw 23% more learning gains than students nationally, based on the NWEA MAP test. Students grew even more—53% above the national average—in schools with growth-aligned accountability measures.
Read more in the full study: Three-Year MAP Growth at Schools Using Teach to One: Math.
Operational flexibility
School partners can use Teach to One 360 as a core program to replace their school’s current math course. Alternatively, Teach to One 360 can be used as a supplement to a variety of core curricula. In both cases, the program can be implemented for single or multiple grade levels and for all or a subset of students.
Spots available for Fall 2024.
The program Bill Gates calls “The Future of Math”
More than a set of tools
Teach to One 360 is a school-based learning model and math curriculum: it combines an academic design that articulates what students learn with a set of operating structures that shape where, when, and how they learn. These structures affect what the teacher does, what the student does, and the organization of the classroom.
A proven approach
Students in 14 schools that operated the program for three years saw 23% more learning gains than students nationally, based on the NWEA MAP test. Students grew even more—53% above the national average—in schools with growth-aligned accountability measures.
Read more in the full study: Three-Year MAP Growth at Schools Using Teach to One: Math.
Operational flexibility
School partners can use Teach to One 360 as a core program to replace their school’s current math course. Alternatively, Teach to One 360 can be used as a supplement to a variety of core curricula. In both cases, the program can be implemented for single or multiple grade levels and for all or a subset of students.
Contact us and a member of our team will reach out to you.
The power of learning modalities
Teach to One 360’s lesson plans are designed for eight different instructional modalities that showcase the beauty and complexity of math. Each modality targets deeper levels of conceptual understanding and helps students develop lifelong habits for success. As students move through each modality, their learning is synchronized back to the scheduling algorithm to ensure a truly tailored experience.
Teacher-led modalities
Live Investigation often provides students with their first exposure to a new skill. Students build their knowledge through hands-on exploration of mathematical constructs. Learning happens in groups ranging from just six to a full class of 30 or more students.
Tasks require students to apply their knowledge to solve complex problems using real-world scenarios. Students work with the same teacher and group over seven non-consecutive sessions, culminating in a performance-based assessment.
Math Advisory sessions enable the same group of students and teacher to work together over the course of a year. These groups set goals, reflect on their learning, and practice habits of success. Math Advisory is a key opportunity for teachers to build and maintain relationships with students.
Student collaboration modalities
Small-Group Collaboration helps students develop skills in collaboration, communication, independence, problem solving, and reasoning. Students work in groups of up to six on engaging mathematical problems, dilemmas, and modeling assignments.
Peer-to-Peer lessons help students develop problem-solving and mathematical communication skills. In this group activity, two or three students work on the same skill. They solve a math problem, independently and then share their strategies and reasoning.
Independent modalities
In Virtual Instruction, students work with selected software lessons to gain proficiency in procedural skill instruction.
Virtual Reinforcement gives students the opportunity to reinforce procedural fluency on skills for which they’ve already received an instructional lesson
Independent Practice includes printed materials and other instructional resources to help reinforce skills first experienced as an instructional lesson.
An adaptive personalized curriculum
Learning modalities are made more powerful by our adaptive personalized curriculum. It leverages analytics from historical learner patterns, individual learner attributes, and lesson characteristics to decide what, when, where, and how students learn.
Skills and concept map
Our adaptive curriculum is centered around ensuring every student has a pathway to learn the specific concepts and skills they need. Concepts, which cover broader mathematical ideas and themes, encompass a set of three to five interconnected skills. We’ve taken the complex relationships between these and made them understandable and navigable on an easy-to-use map. This streamlined approach creates greater efficiencies and allows for tailored acceleration.
Skill libraries
When students start Teach to One 360, an individualized library is created for them. This contains all the math skills and concepts the students need for the year. It helps students, teachers, and families understand each student’s yearly math journey. Each Skill Library is revised and adjusted throughout the year based on students’ performance. Libraries can include pre-, on-, and above-grade skills, depending on each student’s unique needs.
High-quality content
All Teach to One 360 content undergoes a comprehensive review. This ensures high standards for every student’s personalized curriculum. In addition to our bespoke lessons, we partner with leading digital and print-based curriculum providers. These include Curriculum Associates Ready, LearnZillion, and Illustrative Mathematics. Our team of academic and curriculum experts have designed, curated, and assessed over 9,000 high-quality lessons for inclusion in Teach to One 360.
Student playlists
At the heart of each student’s day-to-day instructional experience is their personalized playlist. Each playlist collects related skills that students experience over a two- to three-week period. A playlist is an individualized unit of study. It guides instruction, establishes learning goals, and contextualizes related skills and concepts.
Assessments provide students with actionable feedback, and an opportunity to celebrate their successes and learn from their misconceptions. Teach to One 360 uses multiple assessment types. This allows students to express different forms of understanding, from procedural to conceptual. Exit Slips assess learning to deliver the right modality, student grouping, and lesson each day. Diagnostic assessments (NWEA MAP) are administered up to three times a year. Other assessments include personalized tests to measure cumulative skills, presentations to peers, and Prove Its—short quizzes students can take at home or school to prove they know new skills.
Every student, every day
Each student receives a customized daily schedule based on their current learning strengths and needs, the classroom resources available, and the thousands of lessons included in the program. These unique student schedules then result in corresponding teacher schedules. Teachers are able to access all the resources and information they need for the next day, review preliminary schedules before final publication, and substitute teacher-led lessons with their own lessons when they feel it is appropriate to do so.
Features of Teach to One 360
- Personalized, adaptive learning pathways based on student progress
- Thousands of high-quality, top-rated lesson plan options for teachers
- Multiple modalities to engage all types of learners
- A scheduling algorithm that regroups students daily based on common needs
- Social-emotional learning woven into academic design and teaching practices
- A student dashboard to empower and engage learners
- A teacher dashboard to equip teachers with powerful planning tools and more
- A variety of implementation options to meet your schools operational and accountability measure needs
- Ongoing academic and operational implementation support for teachers
Measuring student progress
Teachers have access to complete, real-time information on student progress through the Teacher Portal. Teachers may access their daily schedules and related lesson materials, along with a variety of resources that enable them to supplement, reinforce, and advance in-class learning.
Teacher dashboard
When teachers log into the Portal, they see their own customized dashboard that includes their daily schedules, calendar, and current groups.
Session planning
Teachers access Session Planning pages to help prepare them for a lesson they will soon be teaching. These pages include information such as:
- Their assigned students
- The assigned skills
- Students’ recent performance history
- Recommended lesson plans
Teachers can also access a primer that includes a clear description of each skill, sample assessment questions, and instructional tips.
Grading and scoring
The Scoring page provides teachers with the ability to easily take attendance, grade homework, and assign a score for students’ work ethic and classroom contribution for that session. Scores help teachers give real-time feedback to students on their overall performance. Scores from the Portal are then synced to a grading platform that enables teachers to produce individual student grades.
Formative feedback
The Results page provides teachers with an overview of students’ results on the daily Exit Slip for that session. Students can receive a score of Perfect, Good, Almost There, or Room for Growth.
Student dashboard
Students and families also have access to real-time information on student progress through the Student Portal. Students may access their daily schedules, homework, and a variety of resources that enable them to supplement, reinforce, and advance in-class learning. When students log into the Portal they see their own customized dashboard where progress is measured and celebrated with points and badges.
Success badges
Students can earn digital Badges, such as:
- Still Got It, for remembering previously learned skills
- Stretch, for learning a skill that may be a bit harder
- Independence, for success learning outside of class
Social emotional learning (SEL)
SEL is woven into the academic design and teaching practices of Teach to One 360, and can be leveraged to promote educational equity and excellence. Learning how to learn and learning how to thrive are two dimensions of social and emotional development that guide our program design. In these areas, Teach to One 360 includes specific, transferable skills that can support students throughout their learning.
In academic curriculum
- Scheduled Math Advisory time throughout the school year
- Check-in time at the start and end of every class
- Teachers document student attendance, work ethic, and contributions in each session
- Students have opportunity to try a skill multiple times, returning to it until they achieve mastery
- Students can return to skills they struggle with and take on-demand assessments when ready
- Collaborative learning and peer review in multiple modalities
Teaching practices
- Positive narration and qualitative scoring: focus on progress (room for growth, not yet, almost there, great, etc.)
- Celebrations of success throughout the Student Portal: Badges, Pointsy (Pointsy is a character that appears when students go above and beyond.)
- Opportunities for daily self-reflection in Math Advisory, Tasks, and Task Demos
- Thinking routines embedded throughout all lesson modalities
- Common Planning time for teachers to collaborate towards student success
Free standing SEL lessons
- Growth mindset
- Character focus and academic focus
- Collaboration and conversation with peers
- Perseverance
- Work ethic and contribution
- Active engagement
- Thinking routines
Core design tenets
We designed Teach to One 360 to enable students to explore the beauty and complexity of mathematics while also building habits for lifelong success. The following 10 core design tenets guided the development of the model.
1. Complete Learners
Students explore, question, defend, and build mathematical ideas, while also growing as curious, motivated, and collaborative members of their school community.
2. Able to meet students where they are
Students learn what they’re ready to learn in ways that are mindful of—but not exclusive to—grade-level expectations. This allows some students to catch up on pre-grade skills and others to get ahead with post-grade material.
3. Personalized pathways
Students have personalized learning paths that are frequently and thoughtfully tailored just for them. They are able to accelerate their own learning, regardless of their individual starting point.
4. Shared ownership between students and teachers
Students and teachers build relationships that enable them to share ownership for learning and feel collectively accountable for ambitious student learning outcomes.
5. Timely, actionable data
Teachers access information every day that allows them to plan their lessons based on timely, up-to-date, actionable data about student progress and lesson activities. Teachers always know how their students have progressed and what they are working toward.
6. Multiple integrated approaches to learning
Students coherently experience math through multiple integrated approaches to learning. This variety allows them to develop deep conceptual understandings, explore complex situations, and share their ideas.
7. Competency-based learning
Student pace is driven by their individual progress, rather than that of a group. As students demonstrate their understanding of mathematical skills or concepts, they are able to move ahead to new ideas.
8. Continual regrouping
Students often work with peers who share mathematical strengths and needs. Different students ready to learn the same mathematical skill or concept are continually regrouped with one another to work together and achieve their goals.
9. Collective teacher responsibility
Teachers cultivate a culture of adult collaboration to benefit the needs of all students. Adult learning communities thrive when teachers grow together, share their practices, and partner with one another (and with us) in support of student learning.
10. Flexible use of space
Students learn in flexible classroom environments that can simultaneously support multiple approaches to learning in order to accommodate each student’s daily activities.
Frequently Asked Questions
What funding resources are available to help bring Teach to One 360 to my district or school?
With the recent influx in federal support to address learning loss, it’s never been easier to access the high-quality, proven supports your students need and deserve. See available funds here.
What implementation support does Teach to One offer?
Our team is committed to implementing Teach to One 360 with fidelity and will meet with your math teams to lead training on the tools and resources Teach to One 360 offers.
What ongoing support does Teach to One provide?
Teach to One field teams come alongside our partner schools to ensure teachers and students are empowered to use Teach to One 360 to its fullest. You can consider us an extension of your team throughout the year一not just during implementation.
How do we explain this approach to parents?
Our field teams provide parent orientation materials to schools and teachers to support the transition to a tailored learning approach.
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Before Teach to One, I spent so much time trying to go through the data, go through who needs what, and trying to pay attention to every kid. It was an impossible task. Teach to One saves us so much time and effort and ultimately I’ve become a more effective teacher for my students.
Teryn Kim
Upper Grade Math Lab Teacher, Gray Elementary School
It’s been a total game changer for everyone. Doing Teach to One 360 for the last four years made me realize how much of a disservice I was doing before all this by teaching just to that middle group.
Amanda Martinez
Math Teacher & Director, Taos Middle School
Teach to One is incredible. I will never teach another curriculum. It does what I have tried to do as an individual teacher for 30+ years.
Teacher, Teach to One 360
Woodmont K-8