The Sante Fe New Mexican included our CEO’s thoughts on tailored acceleration, gauging student readiness, and providing teachers the tools they need to promote student growth. The article on accelerated learning and new math curriculum for New Mexico also references the research New Classrooms, creators of Teach to One, has conducted on learning patterns and the importance of filling in learning gaps.

“‘Asking a seventh grade teacher to both teach all of the seventh grade standards and identify the specific gaps that each student has relative to those standards and address those gaps all at the same time is a tall order for even the best of teachers,’ [Joel] said.

While The New Teacher Project has examined the impact access to grade-level material has on learning progress, Rose’s organization looks to the cumulative nature of learning, particularly in the realm of math.

Research from New Classrooms demonstrates that teaching children at-level can exacerbate the difficulties they face as they move through the school system.”

Read more from Joel in the full Sante Fe New Mexican article.

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